WOW…this weekend was just BUSY!  But so fun!  And then the last couple of days…well, haven’t let up.  Still very busy.  I’m simply exhausted. 

Went to the grocery store tonight in such a fog of fatigue, grabbed what I could of my list (this failing economy is KILLING us right now!  UGH!) and headed to the check out.  Little mexican lady in front of me purchases her $28.67 in ALL quarters.  Seriously.  I just stared.  My feet and legs are burning, my back is aching.  Please, Lord, hurry this up, I’m just so TIRED!  Then she starts loading her WIC items on the counter.  Eggs, milk, juice….”sorry WRONG juice, you can’t get it….” but only speaking spanish, she didn’t understand and they had to find a spanish-speaking clerk to explain.  (Really, now, the tomato juice isn’t gonna be used anyway, just take it off….)  FINALLY finishing up her WIC purchases only to add the items she didn’t think she’d have the money to pay for before. 

“Pay for them.”

Seriously, I almost had a Bill Cosby Noah moment!  LOL  But it was one of those times it was either argue and miss the opportunity, or do it and trust God.  Out comes my wallet and I ask the clerk, “Please, let me pay for those.”  She just stares at me. LOL  “No, please, tell her I want to pay for those for her.”  Again, only speaking spanish, she didn’t understand what I was trying to do.  I’m sure she thought the ‘fluffy’ lady was trying to steal her groceries!  BAHAHAHAAA!  Then SHE just stared at me.  I simply told her “Thank you for letting me do this for you.”  And the smile in return was enough to melt any heart, or at least make me forget my aching, tired, sore body.

And walking out of the store, leaning against the wall with her groceries, was the little mexican lady who barely spoke any english, looking for me.  She grabs my arm and tells me “Thank you.  My name is Blanca.”  I told her my name and the name of my daughter.  Then I told her “God told me to do it.” 

I will never know if she even understood the words I said, but I am praying for sweet Blanca that God will send a spanish-speaking person to explain that love that God has for her. 

And I pray that she feels it.

In my day-to-day struggles with “how am I going to pay for that” “do I have the money to pay for that” and “what do we cut out?”, I didn’t stop and question God like I normally would.  I just DID.  I find it fascinating that the more I read and and the more excited I get, the clearer God’s voice is.  The more I’m willing to let go and TRUST. 

I love the chapter in 1 Kings where God explains that He isn’t in the hurricane, He’s in the whisper.  And I am excited and HUMBLED that He would use me.

Watch for what will come...

Watch for what will come...