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Our teenagers have become drug addicts…

…and we are their dealers…


I bet I have your attention NOW huh?

Let me explain, as adults, we know that our parents faith is not going to save us. We know this. We know that we have to have our OWN faith foundation set.

We also know, what it takes to build on that foundation: our prayer times, reading God’s Word, a desire to be holy and set-apart (Christ-like in our words and actions).


Romans 12:2 (English Standard Version)
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

This, as adults, we learn. Hopefully….some of ya’ll need to step up to the plate a little bit, get your feet wet a little….waters warm…..

Years ago, we had an Old Dog. Old Dog was….Old. And he was a BIG Old Dog with hip problems. In the beginning of his hip problems, we took him into the vet, the vet gave him his shot of cortisone, and off we’d go with a new Old Dog that didn’t act so old anymore.

As he got older, the time between shots became more and more frequent, until pretty soon, the vet said the shots would no longer work for Old Dog, he’d become immune to them and they would cease to help him. That’s the point we had him put down.

Much is the same for our teenagers…..no, let’s not have them put down…..that’s harsh…..maybe take their cell phones…..give them SPELLING tests…..

…wait….I’m off topic here…back to their drug addiction….

Our Youth today that grow up in the church, go from event to event, they have this BIG, EMOTIONAL HIGH…..DUMP ALL THEIR BAGGAGE AT THE ALTAR AT CHURCH CAMP…..then go home.

Sometimes what they learned will be retained for a little bit, but it eventually wears off. For some, it happens the Monday we get back from camp. For some, it happens when they start school.

So, let’s have ANOTHER EVENT, usually in the fall. In the past, it was Mark Matlock….this year it is D-Now with Michael Shelton (TOTALLY cool guy by the way, 4:12ministries….I’ll get you the information). We give them a little shot in the arm, they DUMP ALL THEIR EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE ON THE ALTAR….and return home.

They ride that high for awhile, but then, again, it wears off.

And what do we do?

ANOTHER EVENT! YAY!! This year it’s Faithweek Unplugged in January (if you can get here to Oklahoma, GET HERE, it will be totally awesome, not even kidding. Brad Fogarty…if you haven’t heard him yet, shame on you….) and they will have their BIG EMOTIONAL HIGH….DUMP ALL THEIR BAGGAGE ON THE ALTAR….and then….go home.

And before we know it, CHURCH CAMP AGAIN! WOOHOOO!!

So they go from event to event to event. Nothing wrong with that. You see some faces only at those events, and then they leave again, and you won’t see them again until the next event. {ahem.} I think you know what teenagers I’m talking about….

Give them pizza, they will come.

Anyway, so I am even MORE convicted that what I teach Sunday mornings MUST be effective. (…maybe that’s also why I had my nervous breakdown and dyed my hair pink…all the event speakers have cool hair. I have no cool hair…I have 30-something-soccer-mom hair…if my HAIR is cool, then they will be more inclined to listen to my teaching…I’ve had an EPIPHANY!)


What I teach Sunday morning must show them that their OWN, PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Christ must be set. It must be established. And it must be ever-growing, ever-developing, constant, and DAILY. They cannot go from event to event to event….that doesn’t make a relationship with God, that makes emotional confessions with teenagers that are not firmly rooted in their walk with God.

And desensitizes them.

So, as a Sunday school teacher that sees these teenagers every week, I am convicted all over again. My teaching is just important, if not MORE so, than the event speakers with cool hair. Their teaching is amazing, but they ride in, they ride out, they return home, and we are left with the students. So what we teach them weekly, is vital.

Lord, when I am no longer effective, remove me.

2 Timothy 4
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.