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I try to mix up the humor and the serious, and the excitement over what my God has done for me. And this blog has been 18 months in the making. At least.

I know I blogged this in the very beginning of my blogging, but the Lord was just not done yet.

Early last year, my Mom suffered a stroke, but we did not know at the time that is what it was. Not even her drs knew for sure. I just knew that my Mom as I have always known her, was gone. Oh, she didn’t die from it, but a big part of her did. She was changed in ways that were not even evident then. Over the course of that year, she went on to have 2 more strokes, a heart attack, and 3 weeks later, full kidney failure. Her 60th year was not a good one.

Physically, there were a LOT of changes: very weak, very tired all the time, inability to walk on her own, etc.

But the biggest change for me and my heart, was the PERSON that my MOM was, just was gone. Her vibrancy was gone. Her smile was gone. Her laughter was gone. Everything that made her WHO she was, was simply gone. For a daughter who absolutely adores her Mother, it was honestly more than I could handle. I could never admit it at the time, but it was just too much for me.

I remember one day early on, my Dad called and said I needed to come over. No reason, I just NEED to come. I was ill prepared for the sight that greeted me when I walked into the house. I can only equate it to an almost comatose person sitting in the chair. No expression of any kind. No big cheer she usually would give when I’d walk in. Nothing. She turned and just looked at me. Who it was staring at me, I have no idea, but it was NOT my Momma. I decided that day I had to take pictures of my Mom.

And in my heart, I KNEW with such a heavy heavy heart, that these would be the last photos ever taken of my beautiful, sweet Momma. I knew it was important to capture my sister, Ally, with my Mom because she was young, and I wanted her to always remember her. They have such a special bond….

And I even knew I had to have one with Momma too…gosh, and I’ll even post it for you….

And my only daughter…..

And my Dad…they’ve been married FOREVER!

This has been the longest, darkest time ever in her life. She sat in a chair unable to do anything for many months, but out of that time….I’m here to say, God has worked a miracle that I never imagined would happen! I do not limit God, but I’m practical if that makes sense. Maybe that’s doubting, I don’t know, but the woman in those pictures, and the woman that came with me to do pictures last Saturday are 2 totally different!

God has restored her almost 100%! She can walk, she still occasionally stumbled, still, but it’s so far from where she’s been! She LAUGHS! She’s TOTALLY alert! And the greeting when I walk in is back! “Well HEY there!” I can hear it right now sitting in my chair in the office at my home. “Well HEY there brother Austin!” “Hey, Chandler, whatcha been UP to?” “There’s MiMi’s girl….” Things I never thought I’d hear again…and there they are….

That unforgettable smile….those eyes that twinkle with so much JOY….her absolute total beauty….

Please pardon, this one has not been edited...

Photos I never thought would happen….

Lord, there are no words in the human language to express my absolute JOY and thanksgiving that YOU have restored my Mom. You have replaced our mourning with SINGING and I cannot stop telling people what You’ve done for her! She is the most beautiful lady to ever walk this earth, and I thank You for giving her back to me. I cannot live, cannot function, cannot breathe without her. She is my best friend, my confidant, my laughter on days I don’t think I can go another step. I thank You for her. In Jesus name….

My beautiful, sweet, loving Momma…..SHE is my Thankful Thursday….I thank God for her….