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Well….I’ve gotten so much more traffic to my little section of the blog-world, which I still find so funny. I’m such a total dork… LOL

Anyway, I was kinda thinkin’ of maybe starting to do a little monthly Giveway. Ya know, I’m kind of crafty like…these were my latest project…

And the project before that…

And of course, then there are the hairbows…these are Brooklyn’s…

And I also make homemade hot/cold packs too…

Whatcha think? Any interest at all?

I just wish I could get some of ya’ll over here so I can photograph some new FACES! Wouldn’t THAT be a nice giveaway??

I’m LEARNING! And I SO love doing this…

Anyway, I can’t do a WEEKLY giveaway, because well….frankly, that would require MONEY, and I’m lacking in that department. But I LOVE giving things away anyway, so I thought this would be a nice start!

Yay~nay? Whatcha think?